Builder Gels
Wonderful building gels for every taste and every situation
- Addictives (ADD + ADDC): thixotropic build-up gels with guaranteed enjoyment, perfect for everyday studio use
- Fibers (FIB + FIBC): Fiberglass all-in-one gels. Perfect for normal studio modeling, stencil extensions and extra lengths. Extreme strength
- One Phase (OP): All-in-One gels - suitable for all steps of nail modeling
- Blings (BLIC + BLIF): thixotropic glitter builder gels - wonderfully shimmering cover tones and transparent flexible glitter gels, also ideal for painting
- Builder Covers (BC): stable, modelable cover gels - the perfect repair gels; ideal for nail bed extensions when docking and for working with dual forms
- Quick Fibers (QF + QFC): Fiberglass gels from the brush bottle. Ideal for very stable and quick reinforcements in all lengths
- AcryPots (AP): Acrylic gels in pots - very stable and suitable for any type of modeling
- AcryTubes (AT): Acrylic gels from the tube - very stable and suitable for any type of modeling
- Easy Covers (EC): opaque cover shades (no builder gels) in the brush bottle